I'm a programmer, sysadmin and student.
I write, and encourage the use of, free and open source software.
I also dabble in typesetting, font design, vector and 3D graphics,
occasionally doing print and graphic design; nowadays,
my design forays tend to be in in web design and branding.
or, how Ruby has changed the way I write Perl.
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or, how Röyksopp's album output ended unexpectedly.
As something of a follow-up to my last review of Do It Again, I thought I might also review The Inevitable End, which is currently in the “you can’t have it but you can stream it” part of it’s pre-release madness.
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or, the sound of me slowly losing my mind.
The advent of the computer algebra system (CAS) has been met at my university’s School of Mathematics and Statistics with the creation of a second-class, badly specified “Computing” strand in the syllabus, which ostensibly teaches us how computing works in the context of mathematics. Naturally, they chose the worst CAS to do so in.
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or, how Apple support are hopeless, how Apple's 'geniuses' are thick, and why I'll never buy Apple again.
While writing my treatise on the naming scheme I’ve adopted, a few funny stories came to mind. The first of them is the fun I had with elspeth and a dead motherboard.
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This was originally slated for release in The Turtalian; I'm reproducing it here.
Just hours before the magazine went to press last week, Do It Again, the well-anticipated collaborative EP from Norwegian electronic duo, Röyksopp, and Swedish pop-vocalist Robyn, was officially released after weeks of speculation about it.
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